3D-Scannen - Leistungen - CADITIV

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Was we can do for you...
3D scanning is the ideal complement to additive manufacturing.

Regardless of whether:

- creates a real object or component for further digital use and processing,

- digitizes an art object for replication,

- or a technical component is to be evaluated with regard to its dimensional accuracy...

=> 3D scanning is the method of choice.

We primarily use the so-called "structured light scanning" in which the corresponding geometry can be recorded and measured purely optically with an accuracy of up to 0.05mm.
The data acquisition is completely contactless, which means that there are no falsifying influences on the scan result, as can occur, for example, with tactile measuring methods due to the necessary measuring force.

We are also happy to support you, for example, with further analysis of the measurement data, e.g. with a so-called target/actual comparison. The scanned geometry data can be compared with a digital CAD model and corresponding deviations can be visualized.

Target-actual comparison of a scanned geometry to the original, digital CAD model.
Melanie und Heiko Neff GbR
Am Ziegelgraben 12
71549 Auenwald

Mobile:  0162 8622811
Fax:   07191 9337684
Mail:   info@caditiv.de
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